Brace Yourself
For Rethinking Education
People leading change.
It starts with respect for children. A belief that children are innately curious, sociable and competent. Just like adults, they have needs, desires and a full range of emotions.
A learning system should play to their strengths rather than just trying to fix them.
years of
Our Projects
1:8 teacher to student ratio
Your child is supported, Always!
Learning from Harvard University
Our theoretical foundations and practices are informed by the best in the field.
Keeping up with
the times
We understand that children have to be ready for an unknown future.
Social Emotional Learning
Learning to be with ourselves and others is taught through experiences.
Putting life skills at the core
Our learning design prioritizes skills over content.
A democratic school
Rules are up for debate at Edopia.
Giving choices to children
Children make important decisions about their learning.
A learning community
Parents learn too! Regular workshops & support groups for parents.

Shahrukh Bangash, Parent
Family is a word mostly used to over exaggerate a fairly transactional relationship, but Edopian Family is a true manifestation of this sacred word.

Samreen Fawaz, Educator
Edopia gives us the opportunity to explore our own potential. Pretty soon you realize that you are learning just as much from the students as they are from you.

Samreen Arshad, Student
I didn't realize all that I was capable of till I met myself at Edopia. I grew in ways that I never thought were possible.


Inside Edopia: Meet The School Using Alternative Teaching Methods To Prepare Students For Success.
This is the first edition of the Inside Edopia series, focusing on an alternative learning school located in Islamabad, Pakistan. The Edopia school in Islamabad, Pakistan was founded on July 5, 2014, and takes a unique approach to education and could provide a framework for solving the issues facing public education in the United States and numerous other countries around the world.

Myths and Realities About Edopia.

Democratic Assembly Edopia

Coaching at Edopia